today is a very special day.
today, the love of my life turns 27 years old.
today is the day that I woke up extra early to make the love of my life breakfast in bed.
today is the day that I watched the love of my life get excited over birthday presents.
today is the day that I sang Happy Birthday to the love of my life twice within a 10 min period of time.
today is the day that the love of my life wore a whole new birthday outfit to work.
today is the day that I look forward to all year.
today is a day that I will always be in love with, because the love of my life was born on this day.
today I am so grateful for the love of my life.
he is so handsome.
he is so smart.
he is so funny.
he is so silly.
he is so loving.
he is so helpful.
he is so charming.
he is so friendly.
he is so stubborn.
he is sooo handsome. {wait..i already said that}
he is so hungry.
he is so hardworking.
he is so sleepy.
he is so active.
he is so righteous.
he is so energetic.
he is so vibrant.
he is so OLD. ;)
and he is ALL mine.
I am one lucky girl to be married to this wonderful 27 year old.
{also - i have vowed to myself that i will catch up on my posts. we have been on so many trips and adventures that i want to share with you all. be back soon. promise.}