Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul.

May 9, 2012

Star Sighting in Battery Park City

bad news.
yesterday I was at the Battery Park City Library taking my math final. 
good news.
on my way home I ran into Tyra Banks leaving her apartment building all dressed up and looking fierce!

here is what happened...
I was walking on the sidewalk in front of a condo building in Battery Park City when Tyra rushed out the front door and was just feet away from running into me.  we made eye contact and smiled at each other....or maybe she "smized" at me...not sure. I probably looked like the biggest idiot because after I smiled back I stood there dumbfounded, 4 feet away from the black SUV she jumped into.  You could tell she was in a rush, because as soon as she was in the car took off. 

all my friends have been asking what she looked like.  she was wearing a gold gown and had her hair back and looked thin and beautiful--AND she was not as tall as I have always thought she was. we were definitely the same height.  what I noticed more than anything was her crazy makeup she had going on. it was definitely over the top.

I ran home to try and figure out what she might have been going to.  my husband laughed at how caught up in this experience I was, but I couldn't help it. TYRA BANKS SMILED AT ME. :)

this morning I decided to look on PEOPLE.COM to see if there were any pictures of her, since I assumed she was headed to some sort of event and bam..there she was!  I have seen a couple other stars in their natural habitat...(a term I use to differenciate stars seen on the street vs. at a scheduled event...haha) like Matthew Broderick on the subway with his son, and Tommy Lee smoking and walking around on Wall Street, but this one was really exciting.  probably because she was leaving her own apartment all glammed up headed for an event.  

anywho, here is the picture I found on this morning of her from last night.  I told you her makeup is over the top!

things like seeing celebrities in your own neighborhood is silly but so fun, and one of the reasons New York City is an amazing place!