Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul.

February 17, 2012

a trip to Idaho in November

since I wasn't able to go home for Thanksgiving this year, I took a quick little trip home in early November.
there were many reasons for this trip.
I missed my family.
I wanted to visit my grandparents.
I wanted to kayak in the canyon with my daddy.
I needed to see my darling Angela and her new baby Colten. (who auntie erica loves by the way)
I missed my girls.
and BSU was playing TCU. (I hate TCU)

I love New York....but I really LOVE going home.
(below are a few pictures from the trip home)


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Looks like such a fun trip!

Mary Martha said...

Such a cute boy. A healthy boy! No place like home...

Team Tingey said...

I am glad you got back to your blog...fer hecks we supposed to know what is going on with our New York Kittys :)