Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul.

July 15, 2011

Happy New Year...a look back in time...clearly...because it's July 15th.

for some reason i have been on fire when it comes to catching up on this bloggity blog.
maybe i finally realized that i could very possibly forget about cool things that happen.
i vow not to ever forget so here is another look back into something that has already happened.
a long time ago.

we spent our first New Year's Eve in New York this year and it was crazy!

we started off the night with karaoke in the east village.
i wasn't sure if this would go over very well, because i've never been a huge karaoke fan.  
it turned out to be really fun, because everyone just let loose and sang their hearts out.
 all the professional singers.

we then went to dinner on the east side at a cute little italian spot.
this is a picture of Mr. Larsen and Paul.
apparently their seafood pasta monstrosity was number one.
 a picture of our awesome hats and noise makers the restaurant gave us.
i know....looking good.

after dinner we walked over to Times Square.
Times Square was definitely a mess after the big shebang.
 Mr. Larsen must have had too much sugar.
he and paul were having way too much fun with the noise makers.

Egans, Davis', and Larsens in Times Square in the early hours of 2011

Mr. Larsen and Paul down in the subway on the way home.
 Mr. Larsen again. even though it was about 2 in the morning he seems happy while waiting for our elevator in our lobby. 

it was a great way to kick off the new year!

p.s. my poor bestie Whitney dropped her cell phone onto the subway tracks on the way home from Times Square that night. BUMMER.

1 comment:

Megan Hollenback said...

haha love youre catching up! i've always wanted to go to new york and see the ball drop, awesome!